Editing, Copy Editing & Proofreading Services
for Authors and Writers


Services & Benefits

I understand that every manuscript submitted to me is a labour of love and a major investment for its author. My book editing, copy editing and proofreading services preserve your writing style, perspective, vision and original voice.

Select the type of service required to meet your specific needs. My aim is to add real value to your writing and ensure your fiction or non-fiction work is easy to read, error-free, consistent in tone and style, well formatted and ready to publish whether in print or online.


Help when you need it

Hire a professional to help you prepare your manuscript for publication. Only purchase the service(s) you require. Let an expert save you the effort and frustration of revising your work alone.


You are fully involved

You retain complete creative control every step of the way. Regular progress reports are provided and I listen to what you want your book to accomplish.


Getting started is simple

Discuss you manuscript with me or send me a sample. If necessary,
I can help you determine which service(s) you require, including the appropriate level of editing.



Whether you require a medium or heavy level of editing, Proof Perfect can attend to your project and provide substantive or develop-mental editing at the level of scrutiny you select.

With comprehensive editing, I examine all aspects of your manuscript — from plot to per-spective, tension to tone, dialogue to development, etc.

During the editing process, your manuscript is looked at as a whole, and it is improved by shaping the material. Issues that may affect the entire work are examined, such as  pacing, characterisation, develop-ment, plot and sequence of events.

Suggestions and changes  are made to deliver concise writing, refine the style and language, enhance the flow, clarify the plot or theme, and improve the  structure and organisation of the piece.

The manuscript is edited for  clarity, conciseness and tone  based on the level of editing requested. To enhance readability and meaning, I may rewrite and rephrase text.

Feedback and suggestions are provided about plot lines, character development, reader engagement, and the arrange-ment of chapters, sections and paragraphs.

Editing includes checks on content-related issues, such as continuity, timeline discrepancies, factual or logical errors, ambiguity and perspective.

Copy Editing

Copy editing (light or sentence-level editing) involves checking your manuscript for mistakes, inconsistencies and repetition; thereby polishing and preparing it for publication.

I make sure that your manuscript is the best it can be, focussing on both the small details and the big picture. It is a careful and highly technical task, performed fully aware of the overall intent your manuscript and its target readership group.

My copy editing makes sure that every element of your story is consistent, cohesive and complete.

During the copy-editing process, I do the following checks: 

1. Correct errors in grammar, spelling, syntax and punctuation. 

2. Monitor technical consistency in style, spelling, capitalisation, font usage, numerals and hyphenation.

3. Examine continuity and timeline errors, make sure that all loose ends are tied, and check for factually incorrect statements.

4. Identify potential legal liability, making sure your manuscript does not libel others.

5. Control inconsistency within the story. This includes character description, the plot and setting.

6. Ensure the material is correctly formatted to meet publishing industry standards.



In publishing, proofreading happens after the manuscript has been printed. A final copy of the manuscript, or proof, is then examined by a professional proofreader.

The book may also then be reformatted as an ebook and submitted for proofreading as well.

The task of the proofreader is to check for quality before the book goes into its production runs or is published online.

The proofreader takes the original edited copy and compares it to the proof copy, making sure that there are no omissions, missing pages, sections or paragraphs.

During the proofreading process, awkward word and page breaks are corrected and checks are done for correct indents, line spacing, chapter numbering, captions, table layout, etc.

A proofreading edit looks at issues such as correcting inconsistent spelling, hyphenations, missing indents, font size and type, typos, and punctuation errors.

If too many errors are noticed, the proofreader may return the proof for further copy editing before starting or completing the proofreading task.

For independent, self-published ebooks, the proofreading takes place when the final version of the book has been appropriately formatted and is ready to be published online.

Want to know more? Contact Renell today on +64 (0)29 1230 158 or renellj@proofperfect.co.nz


Is your manuscript ready for submission to a publisher for assessment or to be self-published online, but needs formatting fixes? Proof Perfect can help get your material into the correct or prescribed format. I will set your manuscript in an appropriate layout and style, according to the style guidelines you choose or have to adhere to, saving you valuable time and effort.

Editorial Notes

Detailed audits or comments are attached to the manuscript; these explain all extensive revisions and changes your editor has made. Personalised editorial notes presenting suggestions for improvements and further development of the manuscript are provided, if requested.  Be confident you’re getting honest, unbiased feedback which makes your work better.

Writing Front & Back Matter and Blurbs

If requested, I can provide suggestions for structuring and writing the front and back matter. The same applies in terms of the book blurb. It’s the single most important piece of writing you will do in your book. The cover design creates intrigue, but, if you have caught a potential reader’s attention, the blurb is what will sell your book.

Style Sheets & Style Guides

If you require a style sheet to accompany your manuscript, I can develop it. (A style sheet is a statement of the style standards and practices of a publisher.) I will adhere to and update any style sheet you may already have. You don’t have to rely solely on a publisher’s style guide; instead, I can help you design one specifically for your manuscript.

Read what clients say about Proof Perfect NZ's book editing and proofreading services.

Packages & Pricing

Options are available for all services:
on-demand hourly rate | project-based fee | monthly retainer

The fee charged depends on the service selected and quality of the written material.

While I do not follow a ‘charge per word’ fee model because this penalizes clients who write well, a quotation based on a ‘per word’ or ‘per page’ rate can be provided if preferred.


Editing | Copy editing | Proofreading | Website copywriting, editing, proofreading & review | Combination of any of these, bundled

Not sure which service is right for you?

I'm happy to help you choose

Contact me today to discuss your requirements
and the service that best suits your project.

Obtain a free, no-obligation quotation today!

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Contact Details

Location: Timberland Drive, Millwater, Silverdale, Auckland, 0932

Postal Address: PO Box 300609, Albany, Auckland, 0752

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