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Guidelines for Writing a Memoir People want to Read

Guidelines for Writing a Memoir People want to Read

Although based on actual events, memoir is more like fiction than non-fiction. To be publishable, a memoir must make use of fiction techniques that pull the reader along and elicit an emotional response. Because memoirs are so personal, you need a fresh, impartial perspective to help you create a stronger narrative. That’s where an editor plays a role.

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What does Tone mean in your Writing?

What does Tone mean in your Writing?

Tone is an aspect of writing style that refers to the author’s attitude or approach toward the reader and the subject matter or central theme in the literary work. Establishing an appropriate tone in your writing is essential because it helps you show readers what your work is trying to accomplish, and what attitude the work takes toward its own subject matter.

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11 Tips for Clear and Concise Writing

11 Tips for Clear and Concise Writing

Concise writing helps you and your readers do more with less and stay focused on the topic; it delivers greater impact. These tips help you communicate your ideas more effectively and keep your readers’ attention longer. Improve clarity and comprehension correcting wordiness in your sentences and paragraphs.

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Does your Novel need an Epilogue?

Does your Novel need an Epilogue?

In fiction writing, an epilogue functions as a supplemental, but separate, part of the main story. It appears after the main narrative, separate from the final chapter. The epilogue should enhance a reader’s understanding of what has transpired and provide a strong resolution. It should not be used simply to wrap up any loose ends, something which should be done in the main narrative.

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Beware the Dangling Participle

Beware the Dangling Participle

Dangling participles sound more painful than they actually are. A dangling participle is simply a type of dangling modifier, and a participle is a type of verb ending in -ing (and sometimes -ed) which must be used with care.

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Tips for writing a Document Summary

Tips for writing a Document Summary

It is possible to summarise something that one has read, such as a report; or something that one has heard, such as a lecture; or something that one has seen and heard, such as a movie. In this article, however, I will be discussing writing a document summary. Main...

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